Crashcrazed's Fan Art Archive

Archive 2

Welcome viewers!! To Crashcrazed's second, fan art archives!! Yep!! That means MORE kewl drawings of Crash Bandicoot and co. And above all...More drawings of her own chars!!
I have to say, I can't wait for more of her talent! And I am still really honoured to have her artwork kept here!!
Great stuff Crashcrazed my girl!! Great stuff!
In the meantime. Feel free to browse around and take a good look. Have fun mates! ;)



Here we have an exclusive picture of Crashcrazed's other new char....Somnos Sage.
He sounds such an interesting char. But by the looks of him and his name. It could mean trouble...;) SOMNOS SAGE!!
Watch out for those deadly spores he can shoot! This is one character you'll have to be weary about!
Again, this drawing is brilliant! And the details Crashcrazed makes in drawing the root legs of her flower chars are great!! :D
Brilliant sketching their mate!


This is another cool piccy.....But of Somnos Sage as he cruelly taunts an unsuspecting woodland creature. (Possibly a white Dingo? :D) By releasing his sharp spores!
Don't worry folks! I'm sure the creature will be unharmed! ;) But another excellent addition into Crashcrazed's fan art archives! :D
Great colouring too!


Heheh! Heres a really nice piccy of Olly the Emu, giving a thumbs up to somebody offscreen! (Probably Twitchy ;)) Nice colouring and pencilwork!!


Uh oh.....Just as things start to get all cheerful, looks like Somnos Sage steps in!! ;) Olly doesn't seem to impressed either! And it looks like Twitchy's doing his best to hold him back!
Great work done here! Heheh! I really like the emotion in all of the characters Crashcrazed's has done! :D


Meet Tabitha Katz....One of Crashcrazed's most coolest chars I've ever seen!
If you read the fan fic "Cortex takes Manhatten" You'll understand what I mean. Tabitha is responsible for the mutant's uprising in New York city. And will do her best possible into getting rid of those humans that betrayed her long ago.
Tis a sad story of her as a Kitten...:( And now she wants revenge. But as you can see from Crash and co's last encounter with her....She isn't beat....Yet!
Great drawing done by her creator herself! I'm honoured to have it all here! :D


Meet.....Casey!! The future son of Crash and Danni!!
Yep! You heard me right! He is known as the "Destined One" As Aku Aku predicts. Theres lots more to explain about him later. In my second series....And in Crashcrazed's too!!
I love that brilliant artwork there Crashcrazed!! :D And this is her first drawing of Danni too!
Danni Dingo, cradling her first born son....:) Awwwww! Sweet!


And last but NOT least.....Another picture of Danni and Crash's future son, Casey 'Bondi' Dingo!! :D
He is soon born in the second series, called "Future Hero" And lets just say, I'm excited with the picture too!! It's lovely!
Casey, is up to all sorts of adventures and games. You wanna see what he and his younger brother YARRA get up too!! :D
But I'll explain more about Casey and Yarra later mates! In the meantime! Enjoy this cool picture! Well done Crashcrazed my friend!
I love it!! :D

Now why don't you scope out what else Crashcrazed has to offer for pics! Please do they're ace! Go check out the next page or two! :)

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Please write to me if you want to use anything from this site.