Stripe's Fan Art Archive

Archive 4

After finally taking a break off college for today. I can show you more work done by my cool pal Stripes. It's been a while since we e-mailed her and these pics are quite old but I hope it's never too late to show you what great pics she's made. There should still be loads more to come so have a nice browse through and remember that loading times on some pictures may vary.

I miss you Stripes.



Poor Stripes, he's always one to get called names. Like 'Shorty' or 'Fuzzball' even when he has a heart of gold. But he certainly won't let you get away with dissing him. Go Stripes!


Poor kid, I forgot to mention it must be hard for such a youngster to experience life without a parent. He hasn't got a mother. :( But hopefully Crash and co will take him in right? Let's hope so. ;)


Yay! Now this is more like the Stripes we know and love! Enjoying a few games of Frisbee. Wonder who he's throwing to?
Probably Crash, Coco, or Sarnie? He has many friends then he realises. A joyful pic on behalf of talented Stripes (A.K.A Rachel Berse)


Stripes drew this for me when I went through one of my 'blues' periods (Yes it normally happens to me :p) and it really did cheer me up tremendously. Stripes hugging a Danni plushie! Kayooot!! It's quite an old picture but I never forgot to place it in her archive.
Thank you so much Stripes. I love ya too! ^o^


"Uhh Pura, I don't think we're in Australia anymore..."
So were the words of Coco as she and Pura enter the warp portal to another dimension! Heh jus' kidding! It's a Wizard of Oz version of the new adventures of Crash Bandicoot.
Well we know who Coco and Pura would be...Guess that leaves Crash acting as the Scarecrow huh?
Greeeat pic! :D

And that's all there is time for now. I still have many miscellaneous pictures of Stripes which will be shown shortly. But in the meantime I hoped you enjoyed browsing her archive. And please, come back again soon!

Archive 1 Archive 2 Archive 3


Copyright © Danni's Den 2002
Please write to me if you want to use anything from this site.